Who is HelpDesk.tech?

We built HelpDesk.tech out of our 25+ years of experience running our own multi-million dollar MSP, and now we’re bringing the same world-class help desk offering we built straight to you – our valued MSP community.

We know the challenges that MSPs like you face. And we know you need a reliable Level 1 help desk that can fix your end user problems and do as much as possible without escalating and interrupting you.

As a veteran MSP, we know the expectations your end users have. Some of them are completely outrageous. We’re ready for those expectations no matter how reasonable or otherwise.

We are looking for Partners to use our service instead of hiring Level 1 techs. We provide excellent techs, and in exchange, you provide brutally honest feedback.

Where We Are

We are based in California, and our techs areall in the USA. We have mastery of the English language, we are college-educated, we know how to write KB articles, and we have all graduated from the brutal school of hard knocks.